Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So here we are at the beginning, or at least the beginning of this blog. I find myself with not much to say, which I mostly blame on it being not only the end of the semester, but the end of my law school career. I find the ending of a school year often leaves my brain a bit fuzzy and unwilling to do much of anything worthwhile. I firmly lay the blame upon final exams.
Funny, this is supposed to be about beginnings, but here I am talking of endings. To be honest, though, I suppose the two go hand in hand. The end of one chapter leads to the beginning of another and other, similar, such nonsense. Not that I really think it's nonsense, but I do believe there is a tendency to try to sound deep and meaningful, which I'm pretty sure I will be guilty of often. That is not the intention of this blog, but I think when one is musing on philosophy and the like, it is an easy trap to fall into. Everyone wants to say something deep and significant, I am no exception, but I will try not to sound too full of myself.
For the most part, my posts will be prompted by things going on in my life. Which, yeah, is obvious I suppose, but what I really mean is, I'm not going to pick a topic every week and then philosophize about it. If I write about something, it will be because something in my life has prompted me to think about it. That prompt may be a line in a song, something someone says, something I witness or experience, or any other number of things. At least, that's the plan. Who knows, one day I may wake up and say to myself, I want to philosophize about cheese, and then there will be an entry about cheese, totally unrelated to anything going on in my life. (Well, probably not about cheese, but you get the idea.)
Anyway, I guess that's enough of an introduction. Or whatever you want to call this. Perhaps somewhere along the line I will come up with a clever sign off, but until then, later.

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